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I’ve been nominated for 2 awards by 2 amazing bloggers and I’m making it into 1 post here. Make sure to check both of their blogs out!


The talented Rene at Periwinkle Pursuits nominated me for The Creative Blogger Award over 3 weeks ago and its only now that I’ve got around to making a post for it.Thank you so much, Rene, for nominating me! I’m truly delighted!

Here are the rules:

  1. Nominate 15 – 20 bloggers and add their links.
  2. Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
  3. Share five facts about yourself.
  4. Notify the bloggers you included.
  5. Keep the rules in your post.

Five Facts About Me

1.. I love food. I live in the Middle East and dining is a favorite pastime for almost everyone here with lots and lots of restaurants to choose from. I have tried so many cuisines and honestly, its difficult to point out a favorite :D. But I would go any day for Thai and I have one very near to my office that I frequent.

2.. Traveling is my one and only dream. I dream of seeing the world and I am currently excited about this year’s holiday plans.

3.. I have a driver license. But funnily, I do not drive. I am afraid to. I take a taxi if the better half is out of town 😀

4.. I used to be very self-conscious. Not so much now. Maybe growing older and a little more wiser had to do with it. But there are times when I still give myself a mental pep-talk and work on it.

5.. I never watch movies that have a sad ending. NEVER, EVER. No matter how BRILLIANT the sad movie is. If someone gives me flicks to watch, I always make it a point to only take those that end well.


The second award was given to me by lovely Emma at Emma’s Craft projects. Thank you Emma! An honor this is, really!

The rules:

  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started
  • Give two advice to new bloggers
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  • Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.

How my Blog Started :

I started my blog on a whim. No prior thoughts. No preparations. One day at work, the thought came out of the blue. I called my brother and asked him how to start a blog. He told me “WordPress” and it just went on from there. Learned things along the way. I only wanted it to be my personal space where I can write whatever I wanted and I never, ever thought anyone would be bothered to read it. Initially, I was too embarrassed to even share what I was doing with my friends and family until a month later when I shared it on FB. When I got to be a little more confident and a little less self-conscious 🙂

Two Advises to New Bloggers :

  1. Your blog is about you. Who you are, your passions. Its important to write from the heart. And have fun while you’re at it. Blogging should be something you enjoy doing. Not a task and not something to stress over.
  2. Follow others with similar interests, read their journeys. This will inspire you and give you food for thought that you can then write about.


Nominations :

Dartmoor Yarns

Daniella Joe’s Blog

Emma’s Craft Projects



Craft And Other Crazy Plans

A Day Out with Anand Photography

Cypress Textiles 

Vanella Road Creations

The Sailor Crochet News 

The Ninth Life


That Girl Who Crochets

The Crafty Mummy

Zeens And Roger